
Our mission is a proper balance between the content and the form, which serves to highlight the subject matter of the exhibition and facilitate its perception in line with its concept.

We see the architectural and artistic concept of an exhibition as and key part of its storyline.


When preparing an exhibition, whether a temporary one, just a section of the permanent one or a full-fledged installation, we take charge of an in-depth methodological elaboration of its structure.

Our production capacity gives us a free hand to creatively express our exhibition concepts and effectively use an array of artistic techniques, engaging all of the visitor's sensory channels.



"Zekh" workshop invites only experienced specialists, who own the necessary means and technologies for artistic and decorative processing of materials, as well as restoration of antiques.

Over the years of our manufacturing management we have got strong professional connections with specialists in many spheres.



"Zekh" has reached a significant experience in the production of video-projection systems and interactive hardware/software systems.

We also develop such acoustic systems as directional sound systems or multi-channel systems of parallel sound, which were successfully used in our projects.



On our studio we carry out all the stages of sound recording and video production - from preparatory work to mastering.

Another our key direction is the programming, creation of data bases and application interfaces. Working on our platform gives us confidence in the security of our software product.


The qualifications and responsibility of us and our partners are main reasons why our clients come to us again and again. Thanks to our experience we're not only using museum equipment which already exists, but also successfully creating exclusive museum technologies using of the modern materials and engineering achievements.

for more detailed information:

2021, "Zekh" Design & Production Company

3, 1st May str., Sestroretsk
Saint Petersburg, 197706

26, Pfaffengasse, Lutherstadt
Wittenberg, 06886
