Unser Aufnahmestudio und unsere Werkstatt ermöglichen uns die Entwicklung von Multimedia-Inhalten, sowie die Entwicklung des Designs, die Produktion und die Installation von Museumsequipment.
When producing exhibition equipment, we continuously follow current museum storage and display standards. Aware of the historical value of the exhibits and importance of their preservation, we always make allowances for climate factors related to the exhibition space in question.
Before proceeding with the next stage, we always have to plan and coordinate the display mode of every exhibit in line with its specific needs. By pooling designers' and technologists' efforts, we look for the best climate and lighting control systems,employing special materials to keep the objects safe against external factors.
2021, "Zekh" Design & Production Company
3, 1st May str., Sestroretsk
Saint Petersburg, 197706
26, Pfaffengasse, Lutherstadt
Wittenberg, 06886